I once read a novel about a woman who lived in a northern country, a place shaped by snow and ice, and who possessed what the author called a sense of snow. She had a rare gift: she could tread on snow as if it were solid ground, sensing instinctively where the snow-covered ice could […]
Not Doing is a Form of Doing
At 8:00 a.m., I open the door and step onto the deck, a warm cup of coffee in hand. The sky is a brilliant blue, the sun smiling down, casting a golden glow on the trees. The green of the leaves seems more vibrant today, though a few hints of red poke through, announcing the […]
A Nightly Parade
Some nights, when I can’t fall asleep—a problem that’s been happening more often lately—I force myself to stay in bed and let my mind wander through a parade of memories. At my age, these memory parades can be long and colorful, filled with bittersweet moments, lingering what-ifs, and questions that may never have answers. It’s […]
The Coffee Connection
I might be drinking it by myself sitting in a café. A notebook with blank paper, (no lines) and my favorite pen on the table. I recline back in my chair, taking in the street and the people. I take a deep breath, for once I am content. I have always liked to write in […]
When we lived in Jerusalem, I waited for them every spring. I used to raise my eyes to the sky and search for hours until my eyes hurt, and I had to close them to get some rest. In the beginning, it was just a small cloud on the horizon, and we (my brother and […]
December 15 – A Hanukkah Fairy-tale
We light the first candle for the first night of Hanukkah. After a long and heated discussion, the girls, my four daughters, picked a blue candle and a white one for the Shamash (the candle with which the other candles are being lit). My father put the Hanukkiah on the living room windowsill, the window […]