Women have been storytellers since the beginning of time, and it’s our privilege and responsibility to continue that tradition.
We live in a storied time. The pandemic and social justice issues are calling to us to use our voices. There are many stories to be told.
Would you like to join us? We have room for all women who want to speak and write their own stories, and listen to other women’s stories, either online or in community-based groups. We invite you to become a writing sister with other women who have discovered the power of their voice. We offer writing circles for all women all over the country and world.
When women choose on-line circles, they connect with other women all over the world. When their circles are in communities, women can share stories together in person. Either way, bonds are formed that can last forever. If you would like to be a facilitator, we can give you the tools that you need, and ongoing support.
Come join us in the Circles Program, which is the heart and soul of the Story Circle Network.
Warmest regards for your writing journey, Caroline Ziel (Internet Chapter Coordinator) and Mary Jo Doig (Onsite Coordinator)
SCN sponsors both eCircles that meet via the Internet and onsite, face-to-face Circles that meet in communities across the nation and around the world.
eCircles: Connecting and Sharing Online
Writing eCircles are small groups of women sharing life writing online. The facilitator posts a topic to the eCircle’s private io group once a month, which members write about. Each eCircle member responds to others' stories, offering feedback and making constructive comments. Open to any Story Circle Network member.
Reading eCircles are online reading groups. At the beginning of the month the discussion leader sends a brief summary of the book and a set of discussion questions to the group. Members read and send responses by the end of the month. Each eCircle member receives all responses in her personal e-mail.
How do I join an eCircle? Shoot us an email: storycircle@storycircle.org (Must be an SCN member.)
Story Circles Around the World... and In Your Town, Too
"Good stories have the power to save us...We can all make a difference by simply sharing our own stories with real people in real times and places." —Mary Pipher
Browse the list below to see if there’s a story circle near you.
If there's no Circle in your area, why not start one? You can get ideas from our tips in this brief guide. Or you might contact one of the facilitators listed below—they may have useful information to share.
If you organize a Story Circle, or the information (below) about your circle has changed, please tell us about it.
*Unfortunately, many Circles had to disband during the Covid-19 pandemic. If there is not a Circle near you, please consider starting one. We are here to help you! Email storycircle@storycircle.org for information.
Storycircle for (past, present, and future) Caregivers teleconference
Carefree, AZ each Wednesday at 4:30PM PDT
Sharon Spector (sharingjoy@ymail.com)
The Safety Harbor Writing Group
Safety Harbor, FL
Facilitator: Jan Golden (lightbeamer@gmail.com)
St. Petersburg Writing Circle
St. Petersburg, FL
On hold until a facilitator can be found. If you'd like to volunteer for the position, contact Sheila McNaughton (sheila@mcngroup.com).
The Busy Pens
Valrico, FL
Facilitator: Carol McGhee (Lifewritersbloom@msn.com)
Valrico FL
Circles grow from regular life-writing programs at the local library
Facilitator: Val Perry (Lifewritersbloom@msn.com)
Newtonville OWL Writing Circle
Newtonville, ME
Facilitator: Dorothea Black (dorotheablack@gmail.com)
At present, Dorothea does not have an active circle, but welcomes your inquiries.
Midwest City, OK
Facilitator: P. Jan Hall (janpat@cox.net)
Continuing OWL workshop
Querencia, a retirement community, Austin, TX
Facilitator: Anne Beckner (abeckner@austin.rr.com)
The Reflections Writing Circle – meeting since 2003
St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Austin, TX
Facilitator: Pat Flathouse - (pflat@austin.rr.com)
Word Weavers
Austin, TX
Current Facilitator: Bonnie Watkins (bonwatkins@gmail.com)
Older Women’s Legacy Workshops
Seton Cove Spirituality Center, Austin, TX
Facilitator: Sheila Allee Kershaw (sheila.allee@att.net)
Kerrville Story Circle
Kerrville, TX
Facilitator varies.
Contact: Leia Francisco (leiafrancisco1@gmail.com)
The Legacy Group
Spring Branch, TX
Facilitator: Judy Watters (sheermemoirs@gmail.com)
Houston Older Women’s Legacy Workshop
Houston, TX
Facilitator: Janice Strohmeier (jimmy768816@scbglobal.net)
Currently on hold
South Austin Spiritual Book Group
This ongoing reading group welcomes all. It meets the 4th Thursday from 1-2 PM Jan-Nov. at Barnes & Noble / Sunset Valley (Austin).
More info at https://www.facebook.com/southaustinspiritualbookgroup.
Facilitator: Stephanie Barko (stephanie@stephaniebarko.com)
Ongoing Women’s Life-Writing Workshop since March, 2016
Private homes: Crozet, VA
Facilitator: Cheryl Warren (mskitty.1031@yahoo.com)
The Circle of Memories
Crozet, VA
Facilitator: Mary Jo Doig (doig.maryjo@gmail.com)
Gordon Avenue Writing Circle
Charlottesville, VA
Facilitator: Mary Jo Ayers
The Monday Writing Circle
The Wednesday Writing Circle
The Thursday Writing Circle
Green Bay, WI
Facilitator: Sandra Shackelford (sashack10@athenet.net)
If you facilitate or know of other women’s writing circles in your area, please let us know so we can list them on our site. Your stories are so important.