If you’re an SCN member looking for support and encouragement with your writing, we can help. We offer several different online writers’ roundtables, designed to connect writers at different levels of experience.
In the words of one of our facilitators, these groups bring women together around a table with coffee or tea and cookies—chocolate, of course!—sharing our goals and dreams. We discuss the issues and questions arising from our writing practice, learn how other writers work, and share ideas that enrich our writing lives. (But not our actual writing. If you’re looking for that kind of creative exchange, check out the eCircles.)
Online Classes
Since 1997, Story Circle Network has offered courses (onsite and online) in memoir, reminiscence, journaling, family stories, writing-as-healing, place writing and nature writing, writing for personal growth and spiritual development, and poetry. We also offer classes in fiction (using fiction techniques, fiction in memoir, and fictionalizing women’s lives) and teach general writing skills, organization, critical editing, and blogging.
Circles Program
SCN sponsors two kinds of writing and reading circles: eCircles that meet via the Internet; and onsite, face-to-face Circles that meet in communities across the nation and around the world.
OWL Circle Project
The Older Women’s Legacy Circle Memoir Project (OWL-Circle) was a two-year project offering guided autobiography workshops for senior women. The project was funded by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, to carry out SCN’s mission of helping women everywhere share the stories of their lives.
The project funding allowed the Story Circle Network to develop the facilitator’s manual and workbook, to find and train facilitators, and offer nearly fifty workshops to over 500 women. A collection of stories—With Courage and Common Sense: Memoirs From the Older Women’s Legacy Circles—was published by the University of Texas Press.
To order “Memoirs: Piecing Together the Stories of Our Lives” (Facilitator’s Manual and Workbook) in a PDF file, go here. Enter “OWL” in the “This is a payment for” box. $25 for SCN members, $150 for non-members.
You Can Help!
We’re looking for volunteers (SCN members and friends) to help with ongoing and upcoming projects. If you’re available, please send an email indicating the area of your interest to