Writing Classes for Women
Since 1997, Story Circle Network has offered courses (onsite and online) in memoir, reminiscence, journaling, family stories, writing-as-healing, place writing and nature writing, writing for personal growth and spiritual development, and poetry. We also offer classes in fiction (using fiction techniques, fiction in memoir, and fictionalizing women’s lives) and teach general writing skills, organization, critical editing, and blogging.
Classes offered vary from term to term.
Click a class below to learn more and enroll.
Spring I Term Classes: March 10, 2025 - May 5, 2025
Flash Writing
All About Flash Nonfiction
Captured Moments: Writing Life’s Stories Using Family Photographs
Give Sorrow Words: Writing and Publishing Your Grief
Writing Craft
Memoirs & Novels: Protecting the Privacy and Concealing Identities of Real People and Fictional Characters Based on Real People
Independent Study
Independent Study Program, Session One
Independent Study Program, Session Two
Propose a Class
Our faculty members, all women, are experienced teachers and published writers with a special interest in helping women explore their lives. If you are a skilled writer who is experienced in teaching memoir, journaling, life-based fiction, and other lifewriting forms and are interested in joining our faculty, we would like to hear from you.