Story Circle Network invites you to join us in exploring and expanding women’s lives and women’s writing.
We welcome your creative proposals for webinars, online workshops, podcasts, or other virtual programs that help women amplify their individual voices as well as the collective voice of all women everywhere.
Proposal Guidelines
We are seeking proposals with strong audience interaction / participation. Ideally, about one-forth of the total program time should be interactive: open discussion, question and answer, or other audience participation.
A catchy, definitive presentation title is important. Create something short and sweet that will appeal to women writers and whet their appetite.
Your synopsis will be used to promote both your presentation and Story Circle Network. Our advance publicity (national e-mailings, our quarterly Journal, possible print advertising) will feature you, your work, your website, your blog. Use this opportunity to sell your workshop with descriptive, definitive words that go directly to the heart of the matter, explaining your goals and the benefits to participants.*
Some samples of well-written synopses:
- You will learn to convert your experience and expertise into articles for regional or special-interest magazines. This practical, hands-on, interactive workshop will help match your talents to appropriate magazines, learn how to query, conduct successful interviews, format your work to meet editors' expectations, follow submission guidelines, and become a "go-to" author that editors will seek for future work.
- This interactive workshop uses journaling exercises and worksheets to help you discover your present priorities, write goals, make a commitment, and take away an action plan that will keep you moving along on your next writing project. It will be as much fun as planning an itinerary for your next vacation!
- A memoir is like a building—it's built from pieces that fit together seamlessly to create a pleasing structure. In this workshop, you will discover how to manage the elements of scene, dialogue, description, and narration to build a memoir that reaches the reader emotionally.
Suggested Topics
The ideas sketched out below are just suggestions—be creative!
Members have expressed an interest in memoir, personal essay, fiction, and poetry—your presentation can focus on one genre or include more than one. Below are some areas to consider, but please don't be limited by these suggestions. We welcome your original ideas.
- Getting Personal: journaling; writing from the heart/reaching deep; developing an authentic voice; family history; etc.
- Craft Matters: improving writing skills; learning to edit/proofread; revise, fiction fundamentals (characters, plot, setting, structure); hooking the reader; etc.
- The Writing Life: managing time; creating a writing practice; working with a collaborator; critique group, beta readers; blogging; etc.
- Publishing: what first-timers need to know; crafting a pitch, proposal, query letter; looking for an agent; publishing paths (self/indie/traditional); etc.
- Marketing: secrets of social media; creating a publicity campaign; guerilla marketing (low-cost, unconventional marketing); building an author platform; etc.
- The Business of Writing: record-keeping; taxes; best freelancing practices; etc.
- Community: facilitating writing circles; becoming a life-writing coach; etc.
Submit Your Proposal
(NOTE: This form is for webinar or conference presentation proposals. To propose an online class, click here.)
*Story Circle Network reserves the right to polish and/or make minor changes to presentation titles and synopses to improve marketability.