
Susan Schoch

A member since 2002, Susan has edited books and periodicals for SCN since 2014. A member of the Board since 2016, she edits the annual Real Women Write anthology, as well as special books such as Kitchen Table Stories 2022. Susan coordinates all SCN book publications. She is also a frequent reviewer at Story Circle Book Reviews. She has been a freelance writer and editor for over 30 years, specializing in personal history and biography. Her work for the American Museum of Ceramic History is currently available – The Clay Connection: Jim and Nan McKinnell. Susan shares SCN’s commitment to women’s growth through the empowering focus of writing and recognizing women’s stories.

Jo Virgil

Jo Virgil has been a Story Circle Network member for many years and now serves as editor for True Words and as a SCN Board Member (Publication and Program member). Jo has a Master's Degree in Journalism and has worked as a reporter, as a writing workshop teacher, as Community Relations Manager for Barnes & Noble, and as Community Outreach Coordinator for the Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities. One of her favorite messages was from one of her journalism professors who said, "Stories are what make us matter."

Robin Wittig

Robin is the editor of the SCN Journal and Senior Director of Community Programs at Pikes Peak YMCA. She lives in Woodland Park, CO. In addition to her work with the Journal, Robin does the layout for the annual anthology, Real Women Write, and creates the print program for "Stories From the Heart."

Paula Stallings Yost
Periodicals Editor

Paula is a former and current board member. She has presented at conferences and Writing From Life events; taught in the online class program; served as co-editor of a couple of Story Circle anthologies; and volunteers as the coordinator of the Sarton Award Program. She also is a personal historian who helps families and individuals write and publish their life stories. Visit her website.