by Kalí Rourke
I recently mentioned to my husband that in light of our multiple downsizings, we were fortunate that neither of us is a collector.
My husband smiled and said, “I think you do have a collection. You have collected the people and ancestry in your family!”
“And yours,” I responded with a grin.
People ask, “How did you get into genealogy? Did your family talk about its history?”
“Not really.” My maternal grandmother (Nana) claimed that we were descendants of Myles Standish of the Mayflower through her father William Herbert Standish. He died young in a carriage accident and was the great love of her three-times married mother, Nellie Holley Standish Kidder Smalley. When Nellie died, her wish was to be buried with William.
Actually, we all just smiled and humored her when Nana claimed the Standish connection. No one took it seriously.
December of 2006 I was goofing around on the Internet. I stumbled on and it gave access to the Name Bulletin Boards. This is a hit and miss way to research because the conversations are in threads and can meander, but I was fascinated! I tried my maternal grandfather’s name, Baskett. I plowed through with an investigator’s zeal and finally, there it was.
Dorene Standish from Oregon had posted that she was looking for the family of Lorena May Standish Baskett. I shrieked with glee! That was us! I commented that I was a granddaughter of Lorena through her daughter Marie and I would love to correspond. Dorene was incredibly generous with her knowledge and time and she encouraged me to dig into my family tree. She had accomplished the heavy lifting, getting her husband George (Nana’s nephew!) approved for General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) membership. All I had to do was document the generations between Nellie Holley/William Herbert Standish through me. I could do that!
I started gathering hard copy documentation. Birth, marriage, death certificates, divorces, multiple states, and it occurred to me that I was seeing many headstones online but I didn’t see any for my family.
Dorene solved the mystery for me. Our family had not been wealthy and nice markers were not possible. Concrete with basic information on it was what we found.
She checked the local monument makers and we decided to share costs while she and George would coordinate the replacements. We decided on granite with more engraved detail and soon, it was done.
In 2013 my husband and I traveled to Washington and drove to the Woodlawn Cemetery where so many of my family rest. As we searched through the headstones of all sizes, and some markers so old they had sunken under the soil, I felt blessed that we had been able to help make this lasting improvement. Future genealogists will have an easier time tracing the trail and I was able to say goodbye one more time to Nana (Who was right all along!).
I love owning this particular “collection.”
Kalí Rourke is a wife, mother, writer, singer, and active volunteer. She is a Seedling Mentor and serves as a Mentor for the Young Women’s Alliance. Kalí is a philanthropist with Impact Austin and the Austin Community Foundation Women's Fund. She blogs at Kalí’s Musings and at A Burning Journey – One Woman’s Experience with Burning Mouth Syndrome. A longer version of this post appears on Kalí's Musings.
I enjoyed reading this. I too am a collector of ancestors. It can be quite the obsession. I love that you worked with another relation to replace the stone markers.
Thanks, Betty!
Your “collecting” is noteworthy and serves a purpose across time. I admire what you’ve done. Thanks for sharing your story. 🙂
The first time I ever understood a link between collecting and ancestry. Always learning …
It was a novel way to look at it, but I can always count on my husband to see a unique perspective!
Being a genealogy enthusiast myself I can appreciate this journey. Thanks so much for sharing it and the photos.
My pleasure, Ariela. It is always amazing to me when I unearth a new story or connection buried in the data. Sounds like you share my “inquiring mind!”