This podcast is presented in 2 parts.
Join us for a chat with Susan Wittig Albert while she interviews Susan Tweit.
So brew yourself a cup of hot tea, grab a comfy chair, and join me in the circle.
Episode contents:
Interview (0:48-11:00) Part One - Susan Tweit shares some insights about her memoir Walking Nature Home.
Download Part One.mp3 (10895.3K) On a PC, right-click the link to save the file.
Interview (1:00-10:50) Part Two - Susan Wittig Albert asks Susan Tweit about her writing life as a full time author.
Part Two - Finding Voice and Time
Download Part Two.mp3 (9999.1K) On a PC, right-click the link to save the file.
Song: Change of Autumn by Brian Turner
Don't forget to let us know what you think of the podcast!
Happy listening! And remember, we all have a story to tell.
This podcast is released under a Creative Commons license. Contributing authors retain all rights to their work. Music in this show was provided by the Podsafe Music Network.
Jinni Turkelson says
Thanks,Martha for such an interesting podcast! Well done! And thanks to Susan and Susan for sharing.
Linda Hoye says
Martha, thank you for beginning a new season of SCN Podcasts. I am very much looking forward to hearing the program each month.
Susan and Susan, thank you for sitting down and having a conversation that we could listen in on.
I highly recommend Susan T’s book to anyone who hasn’t yet read it. This discussion is a wonderful complement to the book and an opportunity to get to know the author a bit better. Now I’m looking forward to “Roots”!
Excellent job, all!