Rumble Tumble Joy is one of the most intensely personal, yet widely applicable books I have read in a long time. Kathryn V. White’s poetry and prose reflect her journey to body acceptance, self-love, and confidence. She takes us on her path from deep wounding to flourishing, creating with her readers a “synergy of restoration.” What a lovely phrase!
The artwork, also done by Kathryn, reflects her joyous spirit. I was tempted to get out my crayons or colored pencils and add my own color. The Reader’s Discussion Guide questions can be used as journal prompts as well as for small group or book club guidance. The Q and A with the author is as insightful as her writing as a window into Kathryn’s journey.
This excerpt from her poem “Chrysalis” shares her joy and wonder at her on going transformation and embrace of life.
The only wonder is
This whole process
Keeps happening to me
More frequently