by Kali' Rourke
I am sure I echo many members of my generation who express the feeling, "I don't feel as old as I am!"
We look in the mirror and see the inevitable downward slide of gravity and the toll it takes, the wrinkles or fine lines that our frolics in the sun have left us as souvenirs, and sometimes we see the fatigue that lingers in eyes that have seen pain, sadness, and struggle. But when we look away from that mirror and assess ourselves, we are often shocked by the mismatch between the image we have seen and the way we feel inside. I don't know about you, but I am enjoying that immensely!
I have found the secret to the fountain of youth and it may be available to you wherever you are and whatever you are doing. It is thinking young.
How do we think young? We stay open, flexible to new things and new thoughts, and we move our bodies and our minds as much as we can. But the very easiest thing you can do to keep thinking young is to keep communicating with young people. That's the secret!
I have been mentoring for a long time with the Seedling Mentoring program in Austin, Texas, and after four years with my first mentee (her family eventually moved away), I am now mentoring a kindergartener and I have to tell you, every Wednesday with LC is a revelation. Her mind is like a little hamster wheel tossing off observations, creative ideas, and 6-year-old wisdom. This is a picture she recently drew of me with a Super Cape and "lots of bling" on my crown. Awesome, huh?
How can you ever feel old when you know someone sees you like this?
But you don't have to mentor a six-year-old. Young people of all ages are thirsty for the attention, experience, and wisdom you can bring into their lives. Check around and see where you might be able to plug-in!
I have mentored two young women who are early in their very successful careers through a program called YWA Connect. It is a smart outreach of Austin's Young Women's Alliance, and I have made new friends and gained great perspective by getting involved. The secret? (Believe me, I still work on it!) is to listen far more than you speak and to hold space for these young people to process all of the input they are constantly bombarded by each and every day. You can perform a great service and benefit personally at the same time. It's a true win-win situation.
Mentor On!
Kali’ Rourke is a wife, mother, writer, singer, volunteer, philanthropist, and a proud Mentor. She is a finalist in the 2018 Austin Under 40 Mentor of the Year Awards. (the only award they give to nominees OVER 40!) She blogs at Kali’s Musings and A Burning Journey – One Woman’s Experience with Burning Mouth Syndrome.
I don’t participate officially in mentoring; however, I enjoy the company of children and young minds and suspect that I could be referred to as an ‘influencer’ suggesting books, ideas and trying to listen very carefully to their interests and their concerns. I enjoy that they consider me “old” and sometimes I play the part. I have not had children of my own yet it also amazes me just how much mothering I have done. I enjoyed the opening of your post as I also do not feel as old as I am.
What a lovely observation, Debra! I am sure you have been a blessing to all you have “mothered!”
So true, I agree with every word. Lately I came upon an internet variation of not really mentoring but listening. It is called 7 cups. Far from perfect, I’ll be the first one to agree, but an opportunity to listen to people of all ages and give a support. The advantage in my case, being able to do it online. Look it up you might like it.
Thanks, it sounds interesting!