We're expecting a capacity crowd at this year's conference, and we want to give the members of our SCN writing community first priority for registration and an early opportunity to select pre-conference options.
You're not a member? We welcome you. Join now and register to ensure your place at this unique women-only conference!
Stories from the Heart IX, the 9th women's writing conference of the Story Circle Network, will bring together women from around the country to celebrate the stories of women's lives. Through writing, reading, listening and learning, we will share our stories and enrich our lives.
The Conference will be held at the Wyndham Hotel in Austin, TX, from July 20-22, 2018. Read all about it on our conference web site.
Male guests are welcome at our three public events: the keynote address and the Saturday and Sunday lunches. Our conference sessions are designed for women only.
- Fill out the form below and press the "Register" button.
You can also request a brochure via email: conference@storycircle.org or snail mail:
Story Circle Network
723 W University Ave #300-234
Georgetown TX 78626 - Send us your payment (see details on next page, after you submit the form).
- Financial assistance is available. The application is at the bottom of this form. Financial Assistance Application deadline: June 30, 2018—we must receive your application and $140 minimum payment by that date!
Your registration is not complete UNTIL we have received your payment. We will notify you when we receive your payment.
Questions? Contact us via email: conference@storycircle.org.
NOTE: after the conference, we share names/email addresses with all attendees.