Sarton Women's Book Awards: Rubrics: Middle Grades Fiction
Guidelines for Young Adult Fiction
Length: Generally 50,000–75,000 words (although fantasy can run longer to allow for more complex world-building)
Age of readers: Typically 13–18
Age of protagonist: From 14 to 18 typically; usually the heroine will be older than the reader.
Focus: Characters seek to discover their place in the world beyond friends and family, often leaving home. More time is spent reflecting on what happens to them and analyzing the meaning of these events.
Prose: Often more emotional; sentences may be complex, compound, or stop abruptly for effect.
Topics: Romance, which may be PG-13 and get steamy; no eroticism though. Graphic violence and gore, even abuse, may be included as a topic for young adult readers.
Voice: May vary; often first person.
Endings: May be less optimistic as youth collides with reality through real world experiences.
I. Characters
(0-3 points)
- Few roles presented for minority, diverse characters. Roles of females, minorities, or diverse characters, if included, seem oversimplified. Characters not well developed. They are without complexity, and stereotypical, or inappropriate for most young adult readers.
- Characters’ actions or achievements are not well developed, motivated or very believable. These may be largely based on appearance, acceptance seeking, or reliance on relationships with males.
- Characters’ speech and/or dialogue often appear stilted, awkward, uninteresting, or stereotypical. Mostly unengaging and not authentic to the cultures or time period(s) represented.
(4-9 points)
- Roles of females, minorities, or diverse characters who are included seem generally positive and strong.
- Female main character(s) learn lessons through experiences fairly appropriate for most young adult readers.
- Female main character(s) fairly well developed, fairly complex with minimal stereotyping.
- Main characters’ actions or achievements are fairly well developed, well-motivated and generally believable. Their actions or achievements rarely end up being based on appearance, acceptance seeking, or reliance on relationships with males.
- Characters’ speech and/or dialogue is fairly natural and interesting. Speech occasionally appears stereotypical. Mostly the characters are interesting, engaging, and authentic to the cultures and time period(s) represented.
(10-15 points)
- Female main character(s) is very well developed, complex, and learns lessons through experiences that are appropriate, realistic, and important for young adult readers.
- Characters’ actions or achievements are well motivated and believable. Their actions or achievements are not usually based on appearance, acceptance seeking, or reliance on relationships with males.
- Characters’ speech and/or dialogue are smooth and rarely appear stilted, awkward, uninteresting, or stereotypical. Speech and/or dialogue always seem natural, interesting, engaging and authentic to the culture and time period(s) depicted.
- Roles of females, minorities, or diverse characters who are included allow for individuality, strength, weaknesses, and genuine, honest portrayal.
II. Story/Plot
(0-3 points)
- Storyline seems inappropriate for young adult readers (also see IX and X below).
- Reader is not pulled in immediately.
- Story unfolds slowly, inadequately, or with too many distracting side-stories, making it difficult for the reader to stay engaged.
- Storyline poorly developed or confusing with unmotivated jumps in time, or an unclear sequence of events.
- Problems are resolved in an unrealistic manner.
- Conclusion seems unsatisfactory.
(4-7 points)
- Storyline seems generally appropriate for young adult readers (also see IX and X below). Typically this will include a focus outside of just friends and family and the character’s immediate world.
- Readers may be pulled in immediately.
- Story unfolds somewhat slowly with some distracting side-stories, making it difficult for the reader to stay engaged at times.
- Storyline somewhat well developed, may present a few confusing points of unmotivated jumps in time, or an instance or two of unclear sequences of events.
- Problems are mostly resolved in a realistic manner.
- Conclusion may seem somewhat unsatisfactory.
(8-15 points)
- Storyline seems completely appropriate for young adult readers (also see IX and X below). Typically with a focus on friends, family, and the character’s immediate world and relationship to it; characters who react to what happens to them with varying or maturing levels of self reflection.
- Reader is pulled in immediately, as the story gains momentum.
- Story unfolds smoothly, adequately, without distracting side-stories, in a way that retains reader interest.
- Storyline well developed with no confusing points of unmotivated jumps in time, or unclear sequences of events
- Problems are resolved in a realistic manner.
- Conclusion makes a deep emotional impact on the reader and/or opens the readers’ minds to new ideas or new perspectives.
III. Voice/Point of View
(0-3 points)
- Narrative voice(s) lacking, or confusing, likely to distance young adult readers from the story.
- Narrative voice(s) does not appear to be culturally authentic.
- Point of view is confusing, shifting, or uncontrolled.
- Little time is spent reflecting on what happens and analyzing the meaning of things.
(4-7 points)
- Narrative voice appears somewhat lacking, confusing in places and may distract young adult readers from the story.
- Narrative voice seems somewhat culturally authentic.
- Point of view may be confusing, shifting, or uncontrolled in places.
(8-10 points)
- Narrative voice distinctive, engaging, fresh.
- Narrative voice likely to be appealing to young adult readers.
- Point(s) of view is(are) clear, consistent, and believable throughout.
- If shifting points of view or multiple perspectives are presented, the shifts are clear, intentional, non-stereotypical, and easy to follow.
IV. Settings, Sense of Place
(0-3 points)
- Settings are generally unimportant, uninteresting.
- Settings described inaccurately, insufficiently, or through the use of clichés.
- Story establishes little sense of place.
(4-7 points)
- Settings are fairly important and interesting.
- Settings likely to appeal to young adult readers.
- Settings described with some clichés, with fair accuracy.
- Story establishes an adequate sense of place.
(8-10 Points)
- Settings fully and vividly described, accurately and without clichés.
- Settings strongly appealing to young adult readers.
- Story establishes a strong, compelling sense of place.
V. Language, Imagery, Style (Imagery refers to words that evoke sensory experience and emotional response.)
(0-3 points)
- Word choices often seem wrong, inappropriate, sexist, or out of sync with the age group for which it is written.
- Excessive slang or curse words may detract from the overall theme of the work.
- Imagery is cliched or confusing.
- Writing style is bland, undistinguished.
(4-7 points)
- Word choices generally seem right, appropriate, and nonsexist.
- Slang or curse words may be used moderately, but seem suitable for most young adult readers. These do not detract from the overall theme of the work.
- Imagery is sometimes clichéd, but generally effective.
- Writing style is occasionally engaging, interesting.
(8-10 points)
- Word choices are appropriate, nonsexist, and often striking.
- Slang or curse words may be used used, and if so, are often striking, to add effect, and are well suited to young adult readers.
- Imagery is vivid, fresh, striking.
- Writing style is frequently engaging, compelling.
VI. Language Conventions, Structure
(0-3 points)
- Errors in grammar, spelling, and/ punctuation distract the reader.
- Sentence, paragraph, and/or chapter structure is entirely too simple or overly complex for young adult readers.
(4-7 points)
- Some distracting errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation are apparent.
- Sentence, paragraph, and/or chapter structure generally acceptable.
(8-10 points)
- Almost no errors of grammar, spelling, punctuation are noted.
- Sentence, paragraph, and/or chapter structure is artful, organized.
VII. Theme (The theme in literature refers to the overall message for the reader.)
(0-3 points)
- The overall theme(s) is generally unimportant, uninteresting, or inappropriate for most young adult readers.
- The messages or life lessons most students will take away are inaccurate, unrealistic, or insufficiently developed.
- Story appears to have little imaginative and/or educational value for young adult readers.
(4-10 points)
- The overall theme(s) seems somewhat important, interesting, or appropriate for some young adult readers.
- The messages or life lessons most students will take away may be accurate, or realistic, or important, but lack clarity.
- Messages or life’s lessons are somewhat powerful, positive, or insightful, though the writing is not always engaging.
- Story presents some material with imaginative and/or educational value for young adult readers.
(11-20 Points)
- The overall theme(s) seems very relevant, important, interesting, and appropriate for most young adult readers today.
- The messages or life lessons most students will take away seem accurate, realistic, important, and sufficiently developed.
- Messages are powerful, positive, insightful, and engaging in a way that retains reader attention.
- Story presents a great deal of material with imaginative and/or educational value.
VIII. Presentation
(0-3 points)
- Unattractive cover art and book design.
- Cover art not appealing to young adult readers or depicts females in stereotypical or subservient roles.
- Interior layout design features (if any) distracting, unattractive, inadequate, or unhelpful.
- Font and typesetting difficult to read or distracting.
(4-7 points)
- Adequate cover art and book design.
- Cover art fairly appealing, appropriate for young adult readers; does not depict females in stereotypical or subservient roles.
- Interior layout design features (if any) fairly adequate, usually helpful.
- Font and typesetting adequate for visibility.
(8-10 points)
- Attractive, appropriate, compelling cover art and design that should appeal to young adult readers.
- Interior layout design features (if any) striking, unusually helpful.
- Font and typesetting clear, well-chosen, dark enough for visibility.
IX. Contemporary Topics Bonus: Authors of books for young adults may explore topics such as:
- sexuality,
- gender identity,
- racial/ethnic diversity,
- disabilities,
- social issues such as homelessness,
- illegal immigration,
- bullying,
- social media, and
- addiction (drugs, alcohol, smoking).
Depending on the maturity of the reader, these can be very sensitive topics. As a Sarton juror, if you feel that this author courageously, appropriately, and sensitively navigated certain topics such as sex, violence, or any of the topics listed above, add points according to the following scale. If contemporary topics are NOT a focus of the work, skip this section.
- +0-3: author has appropriately broached with sensitivity one or two instances related to any of the contemporary topic(s) listed above.
- +4-7: author has appropriately broached with sensitivity three or four instances related to any of the contemporary topic(s) listed above.
- +8-10: author has skillfully, creatively, and appropriately broached with sensitivity any of the contemporary topic(s) listed above throughout the work.
X. Contemporary Topics Deductions: As stated above, authors of books for young adults may delve into topics such as:
- sexuality,
- gender identity,
- racial/ethnic diversity,
- disabilities,
- social issues such as homelessness,
- illegal immigration,
- bullying,
- social media, and
- addiction (drugs, alcohol, smoking).
Depending on the maturity of the reader, these can be very sensitive topics. As a Sarton juror, if you feel that this book contains gratuitous or explicit sex, excessive violence, offensive or inappropriate treatment of any of the topics listed above, subtract points according to the following scale. If these are not an issue, skip this section.
- Minus 1-3: some gratuitous or explicit sex; excessive violence; one or two instances of inappropriate, potentially disturbing, or offensive treatment of any of the topic(s) listed above make this a questionable choice for young adult readers.
- Minus 4-7: much gratuitous or explicit sex; excessive violence; three or four instances of inappropriate, potentially disturbing, or offensive treatment of any of the topic(s) listed above make this a questionable choice for young adult readers.
- Minus 8-10: too much gratuitous or explicit sex; excessive violence; five or more instances of inappropriate, potentially disturbing, or offensive treatment of any of the topic(s) listed above make this book not appropriate for young adult readers.
(Note: Merriam Webster defines EROTIC as: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire. Eroticism is not an appropriate characteristic for young adult literature.)