Instructor: B. Lynn Goodwin
Maximum Enrollment: 5
Class Term: 03/10/2025 - 03/31/2025
SCN Member: $205
Non-Member: $255
Class description
What is keeping you from your dreams?
Do you have an idea for a story but don't know how to start?
Do you have a draft but need an editor?
Are you stuck on your summary? Cover letter? Query?
Do you want to make your story, memoir, or fiction shine and sparkle?
During this 4-week session, I'll take your writing to the next level. That means something different for everyone. I'll ask questions about your overall project and the chapters, segments, or scenes you submit. You'll start seeing new possibilities and approach your writing with renewed energy.
Trying to figure out what to write next? We can do some free writing to help you figure out what you want to write about.
Stuck in your writing or productivity?
Let's find out and do something about it.
We will brainstorm, try new tactics and techniques, and move your writing forward. Whether you need help getting started, want to revitalize your writing, are seeking fresh inspiration, or are digging more deeply into familiar subjects, I'd like to be your sounding board and advisor.
Your writing will generate questions from me. As you answer my questions, you'll start seeing new possibilities. Find out what's working. Learn to spot the segments that need improvement.
Ready to find a publisher? Let's work on your cover letter or query and polish those first chapters until they sparkle. Together we'll make your work the best it can be.
Because this is Independent Study, we work at your pace. I can guide you to useful sources for submitting shorter pieces, help you research and approach agents, and help you learn about the options for self-publishing, depending on your needs.
Class outline
- Answering your questions
- Opening your eyes
- Helping you find your voice for a
- Flash fiction
- Short story
- Personal essay
- Novel or novella
- Memoir
- Academic writing
Instructor bio
B. Lynn Goodwin owns Writer Advice. She’s written Never Too Late: From Wannabe to Wife at 62 (memoir), Talent (YA) and You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers (self help). Never Too Late and Talent are award winners. Her newest book, Disrupted, came out in January. Google Goodwin + Disrupted to find it. Shorter works have appeared in Hip Mama, The Sun, Good, Purple, and Flashquake. She is a reviewer and teacher at Story Circle Network. Visit her website and her blog.
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