Midwinter is a gate, a portal to a new dimension where we can find hidden gold in the stillness and warm evenings with our loved ones, be they people or pets. We can also find shelter in our inner sanctuary if we are still and allow time for rest. At this time of the year, I […]
StoryCraft: Writers Write About Writing has moved to Substack. There you will find writing on the art, craft, and publication of women’s memoir, fiction, biography, poetry, drama, and more.
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StoryCraft: Writers Write About Writing
The Wonder and Delight of the Rabbit Hole
The pink-chalk late winter sunrise peeked through the trees beyond my office window as I played out a chapter of my literary life’s version of “all good things come to an end.” Behind me stood a tower of storage containers. I’d begun packing up ten years of research that went into my novel The River […]
Literary Citizenship – 2024
Today’s writing universe requires platform building and marketing. For a successful journey, we need help from fellow writers and readers. I like to think of my obligation to help another writer as more of a privilege than a duty. The best term for this help is literary citizenship. Here are fourteen ways to practice being […]
Winning first place in this year’s Story Circle Network’s Life Writing Contest with my story, “Education Interrupted,” was such an honor. I joined Story Circle Network in 2018, and as a member I’ve submitted stories for the Real Women Write anthologies, a story or two for the Journal, and I joined one of SCN’s e-circle […]
Ten Good Reasons to Recycle Your Content
We all know George Santayana’s ominous warning, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We could call it a kind of unintentional recycling. Then there are of us who remember the past and are called to repeat it, with the greatest of intention and purpose. Across a twenty-year writing career, […]
Seven Cliches That Weaken Your Writing
Today’s publishing market is a media-content glutton. Whether authoring fiction or nonfiction, we find ourselves churning out articles, posts, presentations, interviews, newsletters, and memes. Credibility is everything. We want our words to ring true, relevant, and original. That’s how we grab a reader’s attention and make them want to read more, how we build […]