by Len Leatherwood I have just returned from the “Stories from the Heart IX” writing conference in Austin, where I had the honor of spending time in the company of the most open, honest, loving and wise women I’ve had the occasion to meet in a very long time. I don’t even know quite how […]
StoryCraft: Writers Write About Writing has moved to Substack. There you will find writing on the art, craft, and publication of women’s memoir, fiction, biography, poetry, drama, and more.
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StoryCraft: Writers Write About Writing
May 31 – Fiction vs. Memoir: Finally I Made The Choice
by Len Leatherwood (c) Can Stock Photo / danr13 After a huge cry this morning, I feel better. I have spent the past five days immersed in one of the toughest/saddest times of my life – moving to LA in 1994 to be near my brother who was about to go into active AIDS […]
Tao of Memoir Writing
This is the first in a series of six posts by Matilda Butler. A memoir begins as a seed. It soon becomes a shoot, then a sapling, then a tree with many expansive branches that arches over an entire garden. How does it know to do this? Tao [dau], n. way The Tao, the way […]