This is the fifth in a series of six posts by Matilda Butler. This reflection on the Tao of Memoir Writing begins with an understanding that not all stories are created equal. Some vignettes we write evoke pleasant memories. It is tempting to tell these stories as if we are still experiencing them. Other vignettes […]
StoryCraft: Writers Write About Writing has moved to Substack. There you will find writing on the art, craft, and publication of women’s memoir, fiction, biography, poetry, drama, and more.
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Recent Posts
StoryCraft: Writers Write About Writing
The Tao of Memoir Writing
This is the third in a series of six posts by Matilda Butler. Today in the Tao of Memoir Writing, I’m reflecting on the telling of our life journey. Consider this: The journey begins at the gate or the journey begins in the middle of the garden. Wherever we are appears to be the center. […]
The Power of Journaling
I started journaling during my thirties while my husband, our two sons, and I lived for nineteen months on a remote island in the South Pacific. I felt so isolated there that the best I could do was write long rants every morning before the boys woke up. Happily those rants turned into my first […]
The Journey from Aerospace Writer to Creative Writer
by Madeline Sharples I worked as a writer/editor and proposal manager in the aerospace business for a total of twenty-eight years. I had a reputation for being a good writer so I got some of the plum jobs – working on newsletters, websites, award applications, and even ghostwriting letters for top managers, but the writing […]
So Many Benefits from Journaling
The advice below is excerpted from a piece I published in Inspire Me Today, three years ago. Since then I’ve had numerous articles published in print and e-publications. I’ve also published my YA, Talent, after starting, stopping, revising, reshaping, and adding new strands for years, and I am almost finished with a memoir about getting married […]
Permission Slips
by Jude Walsh Whelley Every Sunday I meet with my tribe of four women writers for a morning of what Eric Maisel calls Deep Writing. It is a lovely, centering time where we sit side-by-side and write. During occasional breaks we share information on craft, submission, and building platform. The shared writing energy keeps us […]